Compassion is a Wooden Heart Shaped stand with pink and colorful roses attached.
Softly fragrant lavender roses intertwine with classic white roses and charming pink roses, creating a symphony of color. Delicate chrysanthemums, with their feathery petals, add a touch of whimsy and texture.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Place the heart-shaped flower stand on a stable and flat surface.
- Avoid exposing the flower stand to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.
- Clean the flower stand regularly with a soft cloth to maintain its appearance.
Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.
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Compassion is a Wooden Heart Shaped stand with pink and colorful roses attached.
Softly fragrant lavender roses intertwine with classic white roses and charming pink roses, creating a symphony of color. Delicate chrysanthemums, with their feathery petals, add a touch of whimsy and texture.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Place the heart-shaped flower stand on a stable and flat surface.
- Avoid exposing the flower stand to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.
- Clean the flower stand regularly with a soft cloth to maintain its appearance.
Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.
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