Blended to perfection, Johnnie Walker Black Label is a rich, smooth Scotch whisky made using only single malt and grain whiskies from more than 29 distilleries spending 12 years in a cask growing into a vibrant body of flavour. The result is deep layers of sweet fruit, spice and vanilla – all wrapped in a cloak of smoke. Ideally served in a tall glass as a highball with the mixer of your choice, like lemonade, ginger ale or peach iced tea, for an electric burst of bite and flavours. Perfect for enjoying at home, this award-winning Scotch whisky is an impressive gift for someone who appreciates smooth and smoky whiskies. The perfect gift to taste!
Recipient must be at least 18 years of age.
Johnnie Walker Black Label Whiskey
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Blended to perfection, Johnnie Walker Black Label is a rich, smooth Scotch whisky made using only single malt and grain whiskies from more than 29 distilleries spending 12 years in a cask growing into a vibrant body of flavour. The result is deep layers of sweet fruit, spice and vanilla – all wrapped in a cloak of smoke. Ideally served in a tall glass as a highball with the mixer of your choice, like lemonade, ginger ale or peach iced tea, for an electric burst of bite and flavours. Perfect for enjoying at home, this award-winning Scotch whisky is an impressive gift for someone who appreciates smooth and smoky whiskies. The perfect gift to taste!
Recipient must be at least 18 years of age.
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