
Pinky Promise is a bouquet of delight, assorted with bright and sweet flowers of the prettiest hues and tones.

This bouquet includes pink roses and Chinese carnations.

Flowers Care Instructions:

  • Keep the vase water replenished.
  • Change the water fully every 2-3 days.
  • Trim stems around half an inch before arranging and whenever water is changed.
  • Guard flowers from strong light and heat.
  • Steer clear of displaying flowers close to ripening fruits, especially bananas and apples.

Box Size: 15cm x 15cm

Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.


Pinky Promise

AED 230

VAT Inclusive

FREE DELIVERY Free Delivery on all orders above $75. SAME DAY DELIVERYSame Day Delivery Lebanon-wide. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDSatisfaction guaranteed on all products. SUPERIOR QUALITYAll of our flowers and gourmets are freshlyprepared just before delivery. SECURITYWe parten with only the most credible card processingsoftware providers to make sure our customer’s payments are secure. ALWAYS ON TIMEAll our products enjoy expresssame day delivery across all of Lebanon.We ease the gift-giving process. FREE75$ 24H 24H FREE DELIVERY Free Delivery on all orders above $75. SAME DAY DELIVERYSame Day Delivery Lebanon-wide. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDSatisfaction guaranteed on all products. FREE75$ FREE 24H 8PM 8PM

AED 230

VAT Inclusive

FREE DELIVERY Free Delivery on all orders above $75. SAME DAY DELIVERYSame Day Delivery Lebanon-wide. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDSatisfaction guaranteed on all products. SUPERIOR QUALITYAll of our flowers and gourmets are freshlyprepared just before delivery. SECURITYWe parten with only the most credible card processingsoftware providers to make sure our customer’s payments are secure. ALWAYS ON TIMEAll our products enjoy expresssame day delivery across all of Lebanon.We ease the gift-giving process. FREE75$ 24H 24H FREE DELIVERY Free Delivery on all orders above $75. SAME DAY DELIVERYSame Day Delivery Lebanon-wide. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDSatisfaction guaranteed on all products. FREE75$ FREE 24H 8PM 8PM

AED 230

VAT Inclusive

FREE DELIVERY Free Delivery on all orders above $75. SAME DAY DELIVERYSame Day Delivery Lebanon-wide. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDSatisfaction guaranteed on all products. SUPERIOR QUALITYAll of our flowers and gourmets are freshlyprepared just before delivery. SECURITYWe parten with only the most credible card processingsoftware providers to make sure our customer’s payments are secure. ALWAYS ON TIMEAll our products enjoy expresssame day delivery across all of Lebanon.We ease the gift-giving process. FREE75$ 24H 24H FREE DELIVERY Free Delivery on all orders above $75. SAME DAY DELIVERYSame Day Delivery Lebanon-wide. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDSatisfaction guaranteed on all products. FREE75$ FREE 24H 8PM 8PM

Ways To Pay

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Pinky Promise is a bouquet of delight, assorted with bright and sweet flowers of the prettiest hues and tones.

This bouquet includes pink roses and Chinese carnations.

Flowers Care Instructions:

  • Keep the vase water replenished.
  • Change the water fully every 2-3 days.
  • Trim stems around half an inch before arranging and whenever water is changed.
  • Guard flowers from strong light and heat.
  • Steer clear of displaying flowers close to ripening fruits, especially bananas and apples.

Box Size: 15cm x 15cm

Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.


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on orders above AED 110

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