Pinky Promise is a bouquet of delight, assorted with bright and sweet flowers of the prettiest hues and tones.
This bouquet includes pink roses and Chinese carnations.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Keep the vase water replenished.
- Change the water fully every 2-3 days.
- Trim stems around half an inch before arranging and whenever water is changed.
- Guard flowers from strong light and heat.
- Steer clear of displaying flowers close to ripening fruits, especially bananas and apples.
Box Size: 15cm x 15cm
Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.
Pinky Promise
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Pinky Promise is a bouquet of delight, assorted with bright and sweet flowers of the prettiest hues and tones.
This bouquet includes pink roses and Chinese carnations.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Keep the vase water replenished.
- Change the water fully every 2-3 days.
- Trim stems around half an inch before arranging and whenever water is changed.
- Guard flowers from strong light and heat.
- Steer clear of displaying flowers close to ripening fruits, especially bananas and apples.
Box Size: 15cm x 15cm
Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.
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