This unique bouquet will surely lift the mood of your recipient! The Colorful Surprise consists of the perfect combination of bright and bold colored flowers, including gerbera among others. It makes a wonderful choice for sending warm birthday wishes, wishing someone well, and other celebrations.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Ensure the vase water stays fresh by frequent refilling.
- Exchange the water entirely every 2-3 days.
- Trim stems by roughly half an inch before arranging and after each water change.
- Protect flowers from bright light and high temperatures.
- Avoid displaying flowers near ripening fruits, especially bananas and apples.
Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.
The Colorful Surprise
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This unique bouquet will surely lift the mood of your recipient! The Colorful Surprise consists of the perfect combination of bright and bold colored flowers, including gerbera among others. It makes a wonderful choice for sending warm birthday wishes, wishing someone well, and other celebrations.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Ensure the vase water stays fresh by frequent refilling.
- Exchange the water entirely every 2-3 days.
- Trim stems by roughly half an inch before arranging and after each water change.
- Protect flowers from bright light and high temperatures.
- Avoid displaying flowers near ripening fruits, especially bananas and apples.
Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.
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