Pastel Pink is a bouquet of pink tulips arranged in a vase to highlight their overall beauty. This arrangement includes 20 Tulips.
This captivating flower vase features a vibrant mix of pink, violet, and white tulips, nestled amongst delicate sprigs of limonium. The soft, cloud-like blooms of the limonium add a touch of elegance, while the tulips burst forth in a symphony of springtime hues.
Flowers Care Instructions:
Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.
Pastel Pink is a bouquet of pink tulips arranged in a vase to highlight their overall beauty. This arrangement includes 20 Tulips.
This captivating flower vase features a vibrant mix of pink, violet, and white tulips, nestled amongst delicate sprigs of limonium. The soft, cloud-like blooms of the limonium add a touch of elegance, while the tulips burst forth in a symphony of springtime hues.
Flowers Care Instructions:
Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained.